Gwen Luib

Gwen Luib

Professional: As a creative writer, teaching communication appeals to the part of me that knows that communication in all its forms (written and oral) is essentially a person’s attempts to express need and desire, to connect with others, to know and be known.  The academic in me loves teaching communication to students because I truly believe that the ability to communicate well helps individuals to pursue and achieve their goals—personal, social, educational, and professional—empowering them to be the authors of their own lives. 

Personal: My friends and family, my students, and random baristas and servers at coffee shops and cafes have told me that I sometimes (read: often) sing my responses to questions.  It’s something I do that I’m not aware of until it’s pointed out to me in the moment.

Past Travels: While I have traveled to several places around the world, the most interesting place I have visited is my mother’s hometown in the Philippines.  To be in the place where she spent her childhood was inspiring to me as a writer.  The people I met and the sights that I saw while there seeded several of the stories in my current writing project.

Future Travels: There are two places that are near the top of my traveling bucket list—China and Africa.

Education: M.F.A. in creative writing and TESOL Certificate.